Simple Gum Disease Prevention Tips

shutterstock_184802735When you neglect to brush your teeth, you’ll begin to see a yellowish paste covering them. In most case, this looks like food debris. Unfortunately, this is bacteria forming on the surface of your teeth. Some of this bacteria is harmless, but some of it can quickly eat away at the surface of your teeth, causing inflamed gums. Typically, gum disease can be avoided easily if it’s caught early enough. Below, we’ll cover a few helpful dental care prevention tips to ensure you’re taking proper care of your mouth.

Brush Your Teeth Thoroughly Once Per Day-

Most oral care tips are common sense. Whether you’ve noticed excess plaque buildup or not, you need to be brushing your teeth thoroughly once a day. This is best to do before bed time. This doesn’t mean brush your teeth for two minutes and call it a night. You need to thoroughly clean the surface of each tooth in your mouth to ensure you’re removing all of the plaque.

Clean Between Your Teeth-

Plaque buildup can be difficult to combat if you’re not cleaning your teeth meticulously enough. Flossing will ensure that plaque buildup, food debris, and other hard deposit are removed from hard to reach areas. Your toothbrush can do a lot, but it’s not likely that it can clean the tiny space between each tooth. Floss at least twice a day to ensure you’re maintaining a high level of dental care.

Use An Antimicrobial Mouthwash-

Antimicrobial mouthwash can help you quick your oral care routine into the right gear. It’s recommended that you find a mouthwash with little to no alcohol in it. Alcohol dries out the mouth and this can have adverse effects. The more saliva your mouth has, the better of your oral health is.

Chew Aspartame-Free Gum-

Chewing gum can increase the amount of saliva in your mouth. As we previously stated, a lot of saliva is a good thing. However, it’s important to find gum that doesn’t contain Aspartame. Aspartame isn’t good for your body in any capacity. You should also make sure your gum is sugar free to ensure these gum disease prevention tips are actually helpful.