Is It TMJ? Sometimes It’s More Than Just A Headache

TMJ painMany people experience the pain and discomfort of TMJ, but can’t figure out what is causing it. TMJ can be especially difficult to diagnose because its signs and symptoms can mimic a variety of health conditions. Most often it is perceived as a headache, earache, and pain in parts of the face. If you are experiencing these types of discomfort, and are having a difficult time relieving the pain, you should consider consulting with your dentist to determine if TMJ may be to blame.

If you have TMJ, you may experience problems with the jaw itself which includes difficulty chewing, yawning, and opening or closing your mouth. In some cases you may even hear sounds coming from your jaw, such as popping and clicking. A common misconception about TMJ is that oral health problems are associated with it. Your teeth and gums can be perfectly healthy as you suffer from TMJ.

You may be experiencing one or more of these issues, and do not know the cause. A visit to Stoner Periodontic Specialists is the first step toward better health. As temporomandibular joint disorder is a dental issue, even your family physician may miss the signs.

An accurate diagnosis is the first step to relief. When you have effective treatment for TMJ, it can change your life. You do not have to continue suffering from undiagnosed pain, discomfort, and annoyance. Your condition can be treated, and you can feel good again. Comfort and health start by having your symptoms evaluated.